Sunday, May 23, 2010

La Grande Inter!

Congratulation to Internazionale Milan for winning Treble this year!

This year Intermilan's run in Italian Football Competition is very interesting by winning Coppa Italia, Serie A League, and UEFA Champion League(Treble!) with such intense and suspense!

Inter won Coppa Italia(1-0) against AS Roma, and again defeat AS Roma in the Serie A League with a small margin of points till the Serie A last match against Siena(1-0), which although its something that I already expected, but still quite a suspense. And then the last match of the season vs Bayern Munich in Madrid, marks a very interesting and unique Inter's run in the competition.

Fate and Destiny Encountered. Inter beat Chelsea and Barcelona which are the previous clubs that Inter's manager Jose Mourinho worked with. Mourinho is also has to battle with his mentor Louis Van Gaal in the UCL final against Bayern Munich. To add more, Wesley Sneijder is having his sweetest revenge against his former club Real Madrid which was selling him with inappropriate manner by winning UCL final with Intermilan in his first season. The same goes to Lucio with Bayern Munich.

David VS Goliath. Inter was never last long in UCL and never won it in 45 years, and yet has to battle against 3 giants of footballing county which are England(Chelsea), Spain(FC Barcelona), and Germany(Bayern Munich) to win the trophy.

The Protagonist. I want to thanks the president Massimo Morrati, the manager Jose Mourinho, the captain Javier Zanetti, and the team especially Diego Milito, Maicon, Lucio, Julio Cesar, Wesley Sneijder, Esteban Cambiasso, Samuel Eto'o, for making this dream come true. Hope that next season Inter can achieve such great feat again, although looks like we will missing Jose mourinho(wew).

Viva Inter! La Grande Inter!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Introduction to Manga and Anime

Hi all,
Welcome to my blog again :D

Today's post is about anime and manga, 2 things that I love very much from my childhood until now.

Anime(アニメ) is an abbreviated pronunciation in Japanese of "animation". Anime began at the start of the 20th century, when Japanese filmmakers experimented with the animation techniques also pioneered in France, Germany, the United States, and Russia.The success of The Walt Disney's 1937 feature film "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs" influenced Japanese animators. In the 1960s, manga artist and animator Osamu Tezuka adapted and simplified many Disney animation-techniques to reduce costs and to limit the number of frames in productions. He intended this as a temporary measure to allow him to produce material on a tight schedule with inexperienced animation-staff[Wikipedia].

Manga(漫画/まんが) consist comics and print cartoons in the Japanese language and conforming to the style developed in Japan in the late 19th century[Wikipedia]. In short, Manga is like Japanese version of Comics in America such as Marvel and DC comic.

Manga and Anime are part of Japanese modern culture. In Japan nowadays, they are used in many part of daily life, such as for education, advertising, story telling, and many more. It has very wide range of audience, from kids to adults, both male and female. Because of that, manga and anime has many genre to classified, such as for shounen(for boys), shoujo(for girls), seinen(for mature and adults audience), etc.

Many says that manga and anime are just fiction for kids, created story based only on imagination. But I disagree to judge just based on that aspects. It's true that manga and anime is fiction, but fiction is always based on true life story although its not 100%, and fiction is made by the writer who has real life experiences, good or bad, and want to express them in their story. Of course in manga and anime, there are unreasonably giant spaceships, unreasonably clothes, unreasonably big eyes, but that's just on the outside. When you see more of the story's characters, it's environments, it's depth and plots, manga and anime is no difference from a novel. It's better than novel because in manga you can read, watch, and feel the suspense and expressions from the graphics. Hollywood movies packed a story to a high budget 2-3 hours movie with many details missing and plots got cut, when in anime, you get a detailed story, complex plots and characters. See it as a 6-26 hours Hollywood movie with low budget.

Manga and anime for me is just like an another chicken soup for the soul. It pictures a little bit of humanity, mix it with fantasy and reality, put it in one story, and show it to the viewers. You will see in it many aspects of human's heart in many different point of views, ones that you can't experience in your daily life. That's what makes manga and anime interesting.

Later I will post reviews of anime and manga that I highly rated, ones that open my eyes about certain things in life.

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Tribute to Sri Mulyani Indrawati


This morning I read news that Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati is going to be Managing Director for World Bank Group. I personally want to congratulate her for her success and I want to say thanks for many great things she has done to Indonesia.

Who is Sri Mulyani Indrawati(SMI)?

[Wikipedia] She is the Minister of Finance of Indonesia in the Second United Indonesia Cabinet. Mulyani received her doctorate in economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1992. She is an executive director of the International Monetary Fund representing 12 economies in Southeast Asia. In 2001, Mulyani left for Atlanta, United States, to serve as a consultant with the U.S. Aid Agency USAID for programs to strengthen Indonesia’s autonomy. She lectured on the Indonesian economy at Georgia University. She successfully tackled corruption in Indonesia's tax and customs office, and enjoys a reputation for integrity.

In August 2008, Mulyani was ranked by Forbes Magazine as the 23rd most powerful woman in the world and the most powerful in Indonesia.

Sri Mulyani successfully fighting one of many sickness that Indonesia may have, named corruption. The history of corruption is bound when Indonesia is being occupied by the Dutch. From that time, until Indonesia gained its freedom, until this moment, corruption and bribery are the most integrated sins that Indonesia have in its government system. From the top to the root, the government and people representatives councils are being induced by corruption and bribery.

For small things like making indentity card, driving licence, good behaviour document, violating traffic lights, usually you must give something "extra" to the government officials and the police. If not, your documents will take long time to be approved and cleared. Because of that there is a say in Indonesia that "Why making things easier when you can make it harder?" .

Thats why I personally glad that SMI has succeed fights corruption and reform part of her department, especially tax and customs which are crucial to the nations income. She is very smart and good at gaining market favour which make Rupiah currency gradually became more stable and stronger. I thought that maybe this is one of the cornerstones that can make Indonesia rise and become a good nation.

But her success makes many enemies for her, especially peoples that are used to corruption and bribery and make a luxury living from it, doing it casually and put it in their common sense. these rotten people are searching for her fall and making black campaign in every way. That's why she is being accused as neoliberal, American lapdog, etc by people that mostly know nothing about what they're accusing(people that don't have enough intelligence).

The final act is when she is being accused of her decisions about "Century" case which on my opinion is a rightfull decision. Because of her's and Boediono's decision, Indonesia didn't suffer much when America's finance collapsed.

Then peoples representatives councils are making a committee to investigate "Century" case, and called her for a hearing. There is nothing wrong with that. It's just that when I saw the footage of the hearing, I laugh at it. Why? because what I saw was so pathetic. The way the committee ask her is just like an attorney, very intimidating and doesn't have any ethics. But she can answer the questions with calmness, which provoke the committee to ask more unrelated, repeated, and fail questions. From what I see, the committee is trying to put blame on her, but they cant, because they know nothing about finance and economy (peoples that don't have enough intelligence). But that was not enough. They banned her from crucial meetings and walk out from every meeting that she attend, makes me thinks its true that they are the same level as kindergarten kids(famous quote from Gus Dur).

I think Indonesia needs people like SMI, a professional that's not dirtied by politics and has passion of building Indonesia to become a better nation. Many example such as BJ Habibie, Boediono, Gus Dur, etc that highly respected by the world, that can make Indonesia better, but in reality they're being wasted and back-stabbed by their own country. Because honest and good people are minor and when they fight against corrupt people/system, they will lose. That's why I cant blame them, if most of best Indonesian talents are prefer to work and live in foreign country, where at there they were being respected and much more appreciated than in Indonesia.

In the end, I just hope that SMI got her deserved respect at international organization and enjoy more of her success, something that she deserved. Hope that she didn't forget Indonesia. Hope that she can show more to the world about the good side of Indonesia and Indonesian people. And someday she will be back once again to build Indonesia to be a better side. GOOD LUCK SMI!

This is merely my honest personal opinion.
Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hi, nice to meet You!

Welcome to my blog.

"Wasweswos" is a sfx used to pictures a place with many people talking. If you close your eyes and listen, you will hear something like this:

In other word, it pictures communication between peoples.

With this blog, I hope I can communicate my thoughts and share my point of view about everything that occured in my daily life, either its good, bad, happy, or sad to other people.

I hope you can enjoy your time reading my blog, and hope that my posts will be usefull to you.
